It's Sprout again. Today I want to tell you about a book called I, Freddy, written by Dietlof Reiche. It is about a hamster who lives in a pet store. He gets sick and tired of it. So he watches the TV in the pet store and learns tricks to do when the next customer comes and looks at his cage. When the customer comes in, Freddy starts doing his tricks and IT WORKS...he gets put in a box and rides in the car to the apartment to meet his new owner, Sophie. Sophie is really nice to Freddy. But soon, Sophie's mom becomes allergic to Freddy. So Freddy goes to a guy named Mr John's house. He has a cat and two guinea pigs. Freddy soon sees Mr John typing on his typewriter, and he wants to type too. This crazy hamster knows how to read and write! Mr John gets a MAC computer. Freddy gets out of his cage and learns how to type on it. He starts to talk to Mr John over the computer. He has all kinds of adventures in his new home. This book is hilarious! I can't wait to read the next one.
Hey Sprout
My 7 year old miss S was so excited to see that you had read "unfortunate events" they are reading that in her class at school. She is loving it. They also read "The Little Princess" and wondered if you had read it. I wanted to recommend "Peppermints in the Parlor" if you can find it. It was one of my favorites when I was young. (younger) Good reading! Also, all the "Shoe" books, and the "Betsy-Tacy" books. I think Aunt B has that whole series. You've probably read all of these, but I thought I would give it a try. Aunt D in SD
How about "The Finches Fiery Furnace" and have you read the Wizard of Oz books those are great!
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